The one on one personal attention we give to each of our clients is the principal point of difference in the delivery of legal services between ours and other law firms.
We are able to see and consult with our clients when and where it suits them. We don’t force our clients to always call on us or seek to impress or intimidate them by the opulence of our offices. We are as cost conscious as our clients and let our proficiency and professionalism as legal practitioners speak for itself.
We are also flexible as to the basis of our retainer. While it is always necessary to have the capacity to charge clients on the traditional time cost basis we are equally at home with either a fixed or project based retainer.
Fixed retainers are based on a pre-estimate of legal costs over a given period and are paid for in regular instalments of an agreed fixed cost over that period. Fixed retainers have the advantage that all legal services provided under the terms of a retainer are delivered at a significant discount to the usual time based cost.
Project based retainers are fixed cost retainers for specific tasks. Fixed costs have the obvious benefit of certainty and allow for reliable budgeting and cash flow management.